Empowering Voters
Defending Democracy
After a thorough study of New Hampshire town websites in 2012-13, the League discovered that accurate and complete voter information was missing from or hard to find on many town sites. The League worked to inform towns about ways they could better help their residents find out about voting procedures.
The template below for town websites was developed by a LWVNH committee in 2013. The League hopes towns will consider using this template to improve their websites and make voting information more accessible to their residents.
NOTE: The League in partnership with the NH Campaign for Voting Rights did a completely new study in 2022 and updated the template. Here is the pdf of the 2022 template.
The homepage of every NH townwebsite should include a highly visible menu item called VOTER INFORMATION or VOTING. Clicking on that menu item should get users to the specific town’s voter information page resembling the template below. Town webmasters and town clerks should insert the particulars into the template that applies to their town.
A webinar to explain the template and why these improvements are helpful for voters and officials was presented on March 26, 2014, thanks to the NH Municipal Association. The webinar has been archived and is available for anyone to watch on Youtube.
For a Word document of the template, contact us.
The League of Women Voters of New Hampshire is a 501(c)4 organization
League of Women Voters of New Hampshire
4 Park Street Room 200, Concord NH 03301 (603) 225-5344