Empowering Voters
Defending Democracy
Join the League or pay your annual dues online. We are also happy to accept donations online (see DONATE section below).
We are a member-supported 501(c)4 registered organization. We are all volunteers in NH. Your dues and donations are not tax deductible, but help our work very much in New Hampshire and at the national level.
Membership in the League of Women Voters, one of the most respected and effective grassroots organizations in the country, is open to all people age 16 or older.
Your LWV New Hampshire membership automatically includes memberships in the state League and national LWV-US and in your local/regional unit, if applicable. The regional units (PeterboroughPlus, Greater Nashua, Seacoast, and Southern Rockingham county) have their financial matters and memberships handled by the state League.
Annual dues are a minimum of $20 per person, with suggested dues of $75 per person. (This is the new national dues rate, a “pay as you can” plan. The dues are divided between the state and national League automatically, with the state League’s share covering the expenses of local League units.) There is a processing fee attached to accepting payments online, which will show up on your credit card for each share of the dues you are paying.
(All in New Hampshire except Kearsarge Sunapee members)
(If you live in the Kearsarge/Sunapee area only: This local League handles its own finances. Please use this link to join or to pay dues. [we will insert LWVKS payment link here. Coming by May 1. New members in this area, please email us via the Contact Us page and we’ll get you on our email list while we work to set up the JOIN link for this local League.]
If you absolutely cannot pay dues online: You may mail a check for dues to the state League office: LWVNH, 4 Park St Room 200, Concord NH 03301. Be sure to include your name, mailing address, and your email address. Email is necessary to get our communications. Make check payable to LWVUS; they will divide it among the national and state/local Leagues.
Annual dues are a minimum of $20 per person, with suggested dues of $75 per person. (This is the new national dues rate, a “pay as you can” plan. The dues are divided between the state and national League automatically, with the state League covering the expenses of local League units.)
After joining, LWV members can access the Member Portal to:
● update their information (e.g. change their email, address, etc.)
● Access the LWV of New Hampshire website
To use the Member Portal, click on the Member Portal Button below
Donations are not tax deductible. We are a 501(c)4 organization because we do advocacy work. Your donations support that work and are much appreciated. Donations are used only in New Hampshire.
Work in progress. We are trying to take the old dues payment amounts off this “donate online” button. This button may be used for DONATIONS ONLY. It will no longer process memberships. Dues must be paid using the link “click here to join or pay dues” above.
For tax deductible donations: The League of Women Voters NH Education Fund is our 501(c)3 arm, which supports our voter service activities.
Please mail your check to the LWVNH Education Fund, 4 Park St Room 200, Concord NH 03301. We are sorry but no online option exists for tax-deductible 501(c)3 donations. Donations in memory of Lillian Nelligan, former state president and then Education Fund chair for the past 23 years, who passed away in February, may be sent to the address above. Lillian’s staunch support of and work for the League are an inspiration to us all. She will be missed.
The League of Women Voters of New Hampshire is a 501(c)4 organization
League of Women Voters of New Hampshire
4 Park Street Room 200, Concord NH 03301 (603) 225-5344